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Terms & Conditions of Bookings

I consent for my child to attend Let’s Be Kids. I understand that the club has policies and procedures (which are available for reference at the club), and that there are expectations and obligations relating both to the club and to myself and my child, and I agree to abide by them.

I understand that Let’s Be Kids is a play setting and that whilst my child is there Let’s Be Kids is legally responsible for him/her.

My child will be provided with a breakfast and evening snack and drinks whilst at the club unless otherwise requested. I understand my child will be encouraged to eat by staff.

Once my child arrives at Let’s Be Kids he/she will be in the care of Let’s Be Kids until collected and signed out by an authorised person.

I will notify the club before the start of the session if I am collecting my child from school on a day that he/she is booked to attend the club. I understand that I will be charged for the booked session.

I will book my child into the club. The place stays unless notice is given by either Let’s Be Kids or me/us as parents. I agree to give four weeks notice of any change or cancellation of sessions. I will pay monthly in advance for all booked sessions whether my child attends or not (eg due to illness/holidays/ self-isolation/bubble isolation). There is a late payment fee of £10 per day. I will discuss issues with payments immediately with the manager.

Ad hoc sessions must be booked 7 days in advance. Emergencies will be considered but must be arranged by phone/message. Sessions must be paid in advance of the session.

I understand that short term closures by school for example due to snow / heating issues are charged at 50%. This is not an exhaustive list.

Enforced closure by LA / Government and Environmental Health will not be charged.

It is my responsibility to keep the club manager informed of any alterations to the information regarding my child (eg contact details, medical conditions, etc).

I accept that my child may take part in messy activities while at Let’s Be Kids. I understand that I can provide my child with appropriate clothing to accommodate this if I wish.

I understand it is recommended in the government guidance to only use one childcare provider where possible to minimise the number of children that my child is exposed to during the pandemic.

Let’s Be Kids closes at 6.00pm. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, I am going to be late, I will contact the manager/deputy as soon as possible.

If I do not collect my child by 6.00pm I will pay a charge of £2 per minute to cover the costs of the staff who are legally required to supervise my child.

If I do not collect my child by 6.30pm, and the club has been unable to reach me or any of my emergency contacts, I understand that Let’s Be Kids will follow its Uncollected Children Policy and contact Social Care.

Whilst Let’s Be Kids tries to ensure the safety and security of items, I understand that it cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to my child’s property whilst at the Club.

I have read the club’s Behaviour Management Policy and agree to its terms and appreciate that in some circumstances it may be necessary to exclude my child from the club, and I will pay for any missed sessions unless otherwise agreed with the manager.

If there are any accidents or incidents at Let’s Be Kids involving my child, I will be informed.

If my child has an accident at the club, he/she will be treated by a qualified first aider and I will be informed as soon as possible. If my child needs urgent medical treatment and I am unavailable, a member of staff from Let’s Be Kids will sign any consent forms necessary for treatment on my behalf.

Information held by Let’s Be Kids regarding my child will be treated as confidential. However, in certain circumstances, for example if there are child protection concerns, I understand that the club has a legal duty to pass certain information on to other agencies, including Police, Social Care and health care professionals.

I understand that aggressive and abusive behaviour towards staff will not be tolerated.

I agree that I will not use a camera, mobile phone or other mobile device on club premises. I have read and understood the above terms and conditions and I agree to abide by them.

I understand I will be expected to drop my child off and collect from the community entrance, keeping a social distance from other families, and staff of Let’s Be Kids. I understand that no adults are allowed in the building. Meetings can be held by telephone or zoom when appropriate.

I understand that even though government guidance will be adhered to, and we will do everything we can to minimise cross-infection, there is still an element of risk whilst Corona virus is still prevalent in society.

 I understand that if my child develops any of the three symptoms of coronavirus virus (a new and continuous cough, a fever, a change in sense of smell and taste).  I will be contacted to collect immediately. I understand my child will be isolated with a member of staff in PPE until I arrive.

 I will not send my child if they or anybody in our household has any symptoms of coronavirus. I will advise Let’s Be Kids and follow advice on isolation (currently 10 days for the person displaying the symptoms / 14 days for family members).

 If my child displays symptoms at home or Let’s Be Kids, I will arrange a test. I understand my child can only return to Let’s Be Kids when they have a negative test and are symptom free, or when the ten day isolation period is over. I will keep Let’s Be Kids informed regarding symptoms and tests.

 I understand Let’s Be Kids needs to follow guidance from the Public Health team in the event of a positive case.

 I will not send my child or attend to drop off and collect myself if we have been advised to isolate by track and trace.

 Our normal sickness policy applies with regards to other illnesses. I understand there is exclusion for 48 hours after the last symptom of a sickness or diarrhoea bug.

 Let’s Be Kids is a play setting and children need  to be well enough to join in and play.

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